Welcome to CloudLab.

Click here to find out which server will give you the best experience.
Choose the server with the fastest ping (lowest number).

CloudLab North America - East (N. Virginia)
Best for Eastern North America

CloudLab North America - West (Oregon)
Best for Western North America

CloudLab South America - (São Paulo)
Best for South America and Central America

CloudLab EU Central (Frankfurt)
Best for Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa

CloudLab Asia West (Mumbai)
(Formerly "Global East") Best for Central and Western Asia, including India and Pakistan

CloudLab Asia East (Seoul)
Best for Eastern China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan

CloudLab Pacific South West (Sydney)
Best for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea

Data stored on CloudLab is not automatically available across regions.
See below for more information about data and data retention on CloudLab.

1. Click the link for the CloudLab server nearest to you.
2. Sign in with your BAC email and password.
3. Chose to launch a full Desktop experience, or just an Application, and the session will prepare.
4. At the prompt, enter your BAC password to finish connecting.

When saving files on CloudLab, we recommend saving all work in a folder on the desktop.
Data stored on CloudLab will be persistent throughout the semester.
Your data may be deleted from CloudLab as soon as two weeks after the end of your most recent active semester.
Data will generally remain available if registered for the following semester.
If you decide to move regions you will need to transport your data to the new region.
At the end of each semester SAVE your data offline (download, Google Drive, etc)
as we do not promise data persistence between semesters.